In the Mission

The ground-breaking mystery novel, In the Mission fulfills its goal of entertaining and educating on many different levels.alt_cover_design_final-cover_mini While on the surface it is a mystery novel in the tradition of The Name of the Rose or The Da Vinci Code, In the Mission is also a love story of a different kind. However much love is always center stage, though, it is the boldness of the rediscovery process of ancient Gospel texts that builds the foundation layer on which both the mystery and the love story rest.

The fundamental question of Christianity - what did Jesus mean? - superimposes itself on the fundamental question of humanity - why do we love, and how? It is only by realizing that both questions need to be answered differently than before that Christopher DeLonghi, a young priest from rural Oregon, can help solve a mysterious kidnapping. A child is in danger of being tortured to death, and the only way to find him is to decipher clues scribbled by a toddler.

Can you help Father Chris? Do you know:

  • Who is the only one killed by Jesus
  • What are God's greatest gifts to men?
  • Who is the real betrayer, who is the real betrayed in the Gospels?
  • Why did Joseph really disappear from the Gospels?

Please, help Father Christopher - he desperately needs someone that knows more than he does!

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