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In the Mission

Photo by Ragnar Vorel on Unsplash


A lazy priest, punished by being sent far away from home to the bustling metropolis of San Francisco. The catch: it's the middle of the AIDS crisis, and ministering to the ailing is real work.

Father Christopher makes it work for him and he quickly forges deep connections to his parishioners. Two, in particular, become close. A street beggar whose health is failing, and a street vendor whose children are thriving.


One of the children goes missing without a trace. The other child, too young to talk, draws pictures. They seem to point at the missing brother in some strange way.

A race against the clock starts. Will Father Christopher be able to find the child while his parishioners wonder about his relationship with the beggar and the mother.

Photo by Anthony Sebbo on Unsplash

Photo by Austin Schmid on Unsplash


The clues are religious in nature! A priest should be able to solve them in no time. But are they on the right track?

Father Christopher has never paid much attention in seminary, coasting on good looks and absence of ambition. But right now, he needs to know, or at least to find you who does.

Jesus on Gay Marriage

Here is a handy chart from the author of In the Mission, outlining Gospel quotes that are relevant to the question of gay marriage. In the Mission is a mystery/adventure novel in which the difference between the actual text of the Gospels and its interpretation in Christian tradition takes center stage. Enjoy reading and leave comments! NOTE: Hover above the STOP signs to show the textual quote.


Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1960,1962,196
3,1968,1971,1972,1973,1975,1977,1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

Our Authors

Marco Gazzetta

Physicist, software architect, and now author of mystery novels with religious undertones, you can usually find Marco at one of his hundred computers, two dozen phones, or disconnected in the outdoors.

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